” B A N I S H M E N T”


Away from neon lights & graffiti-ridden walls,
Lavished gardens & bustling market places,
There's a narrow road,
Lined by profusely sad trees & their scheming shadows.
I feel, no bird would've ever made a nest there
Or no flower would've ever blossomed in branches of those trees,
Thousand or more lanterns together can't illume its piercing darkness,
It's condemned to be in an eternal haze.
Lights, here, just accentuate the silhouette of nights & dimness of mornings.
It's been abandoned by seasons
And their artful volte face.
A fifth season of an aching turmoil
Has achieved a permanence in its frame, objects & foundation.
If the whole world starts living on this lane,
It would always be like a demolished city or a deserted village,
An eerie castle,
which has witnessed the massacre of its residents,
Or a small dwelling of fishermen,
Around the bank of a river,
Which got washed away suddenly by a vengeful angry wave.
It's a universe beyond twilight zone,
Gravity has disowned it,
It keeps floating, lamenting & collapsing within me.
The glitter of the moon & the sun, resplendence of stars & rainbows
All have rejected its claim over them.
A bleak moon, a burnt sun, fallen stars & grey rainbows
Roam on its sky,
Like an orphan,
Whose wound of loneliness is still churning.
This alley is an unforgiving formaldehyde
Preserving the cadavers of strangled dreams.
A forsaken promise, a Broken heart, a dishonoured love
Wail here like remorseful ghostly spirits,
Seeking remission of their existence.

Dedicated to those places which assume an unwelcoming stance & can never wear smile & colours, again, for us. The places which witness out degeneration, although, the facade of staying intact remains there. /strong>